10 Signs You Need a Yakima Tree Trimmer This Summer

Yakima, Washington, basks in the warm glow of summer for a good portion of the year. The long, sunny days and dry heat create a beautiful environment, but it can also stress your trees. Regular tree trimming is crucial to keeping your trees healthy and your property safe throughout the Yakima summer. But how do you know when to call in a professional tree trimmer like Big R Tree Service? Here are ten signs that your Yakima trees need some work from an arborist:

1. Dead or Diseased Branches:

Summer’s heat and dryness can exacerbate existing problems in your trees, making them more susceptible to disease and insect infestation. Dead or diseased branches are a common sign that something is wrong. These branches are not only unsightly, but they also pose a significant danger. Dead branches are structurally weak and can break off unexpectedly, causing damage to property or injuring people below. Diseased branches can harbor harmful pathogens that can spread to healthy parts of the tree.

What to look for: Dead branches will be brittle and may have lost all their leaves. They may appear brown or gray and could have cracks running along the length of the branch.

A professional tree trimmer can safely remove these branches, reducing the risk of falling debris and promoting the overall health of your tree.

2. Overgrown or Rubbing Branches:

As trees mature, their branches naturally grow and spread outwards. In Yakima’s dry summers, overgrown branches can become a problem. Dense foliage can block sunlight from reaching lower branches and other plants, hindering their growth.

This lack of sunlight can also create a damp microclimate that attracts disease-causing fungi. Overgrown branches can also rub against your house, fences, or power lines, causing unsightly scratches and potential damage to your property.

What to look for: Look for branches significantly longer than others or those growing out of proportion to the overall shape. Pay attention to areas where branches grow close together, creating a thick canopy that blocks sunlight from reaching the tree’s interior. Check for branches that rub against your house, fences, power lines, or other structures. This can cause damage to both the tree and the structure.

Big R Tree Service can assess the situation and selectively remove branches to improve air circulation, promote healthy growth throughout the tree, and prevent damage to your property and utilities.

3. Suckers and Watersprouts:

Suckers are fast-growing shoots that emerge from the base of a tree or the roots. Water sprouts are similar shoots that grow from dormant buds on the trunk or branches. While these shoots may appear harmless, they can drain your tree’s resources. Suckers and water sprouts compete with the main tree for vital nutrients and water, hindering its overall growth and health.

What to look for: Sprouts emerging from the base of the tree or the roots. Also, shoots from dormant buds on the trunk or branches.

A tree trimmer can efficiently remove these unwanted growths, allowing your tree to focus its energy on healthy development.

4. Signs of Insect Infestation:

Yakima summers can be a breeding ground for various insects that can wreak havoc on your trees. Early detection and intervention are key to preventing insect infestations from causing damage.

What to Look for: Small holes in the bark can be entry points for boring insects. Sawdust at the base of the tree, a sign of wood-boring beetles. Chewed or skeletonized leaves indicate the presence of leaf-eating insects. The presence of webs or nests in the branches is a telltale sign of webworms or caterpillars.

A professional tree trimmer can identify the type of insect involved and recommend the most effective treatment, protecting your trees from further harm.

5. Leaning Trees:

A leaning tree can be a cause for concern, especially during the windy periods we sometimes experience in Yakima. Leaning trees can be a sign of an underlying problem, such as uneven weight distribution in the canopy, weak root systems due to compacted soil, or damage from previous storms. Leaning trees are at risk of uprooting or falling over entirely, potentially causing property damage or injury.

What to look for: A slight tilt might not be a major concern, but a significant lean, especially at an angle greater than 15 degrees, requires attention. Look for roots pushing above the ground on the side opposite the lean. This can happen as the tree tries to anchor itself for stability.

An arborist can assess the cause of the leaning and determine the best course of action, which may involve trimming the tree to improve balance, cabling and bracing for support, or even tree removal in extreme cases.

6. Low Hanging Branches:

Yakima summers are a time for outdoor activities, and low-hanging branches can become a nuisance and a safety hazard. They can impede movement on property walkways and patios, and they can also damage vehicles parked underneath.

What to look for: Identify branches that hang low enough to block walkways, making it difficult to navigate your yard comfortably.

Trimming low-hanging branches can improve clearance for foot traffic, protect your property, and enhance the overall aesthetic of your yard.

7. Significant Storm Damage:

Summer storms in Yakima, while not as frequent as in other parts of the country, can still pack a punch. High winds and heavy rains can cause branches to break, split, or fall off entirely. While you might want to tackle minor storm damage yourself, extensive damage is best left to a professional tree trimmer.

What to look for: Look for branches hanging limply from the tree, no longer firmly attached. This indicates a break somewhere along the branch.

Big R Tree Service has the experience and equipment to safely remove large or broken branches, minimize further damage to the tree, and ensure your safety during the process.

8. Visible Signs of Disease:

Just like humans, trees can contract diseases. Early intervention is crucial, as many tree diseases can spread quickly and become difficult to control. Big R Tree Service is here to help!

What to look for: Discolored leaves, which can be yellow, brown, or red, depending on the disease. Wilting or dropping leaves, even during times when leaves wouldn’t normally fall. Fungal growths or oozing sap on the trunk or branches. Stunted growth or deformed leaves and branches.

A professional tree trimmer can diagnose the specific disease and recommend the appropriate treatment plan, which may involve fungicides, insecticides, or other measures to save your tree.

9. Aesthetic Concerns:

Beyond safety and health, tree trimming can also enhance the overall look and feel of your Yakima property. A well-maintained tree with a balanced, symmetrical shape adds beauty and value to your landscape. A tree trimmer can help you achieve your desired aesthetic by selectively removing branches to improve the tree’s form and promote healthy growth.

What to look for: If it doesn’t look perfect, give Big R Tree Service a call.

10. Peace of Mind:

Even if you don’t notice any immediate problems with your trees, having them inspected by Big R Tree Service can provide valuable peace of mind. A professional tree trimmer can identify potential issues before they become serious, saving you money and hassle. We can also offer expert advice on complete tree care practices specific to Yakima’s climate and soil conditions.

Taking the Next Step

Don’t wait until a storm or a falling branch causes damage to your property or injury to yourself or others. Regular tree trimming is an investment in the health, beauty, and safety of your Yakima landscape. By proactively caring for your trees, you can ensure they continue to thrive for years, providing shade, beauty, and a touch of nature to your Yakima summer.

Contact Us:

If you’ve noticed any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to call in a professional tree trimmer. Here in Yakima, Big R Tree Service can assess your trees’; health and recommend the best action. Don’t wait for a problem to become worse – contact Big R Tree Service today for a free consultation!


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